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Shads Yarn Stories

Here You Will Find My Regular Yarn Game Stories (Adult Yard Stories are found on a different page)

Sat 01/02/2016 14.00 MWT


--- The Finished Story Is ... ---


It was a cold dark evening in Metropolis
and no one was stiring not even a mouse, but out from Point Park came a loud SCREAM we all rush to the noise as fast as we could but when we got there ......
there was no one in sight - we heard a SCREAM again and looked all around. Suddenly a loud THUD was heard and we all jumped in fright...
when as we looked around there was a terrible sight
Everyone's avis had turned into what they really look like in the RW, what a shocker Stella was not a fish!
but the biggest shocker of all was that of all of the little people were really all
quiet short, but as the saying goes good things come in little packages <grin>
and to get this story back on track that was the loud noise we heard little packages were being dropped from the sky
STOP STOP Stop the Story, What do you mean Packages were falling from the Sky this is not Chicken Little we are Not insured for falling packages Someone please page an advisor before there is an accident
Please do not page anyone!! Lets just clean up the mess and use the bodychangers to our little selfs! Next time ignore all screams! Unlessss its Chicken little because he is cute.



Sat 01/02/2016 9.00 MWT


 --- The Finished Story Is ... ---

Once there was a
mysterious small avi who rarely unghosted for anything.  It was expected the reason was because it was the secret alt of
Tobias, spying on the population.  However, the little avi began acting strangely, one night it ran around worlds, screaming, “You won't believe this, but
I'm going to start giving away fiddles for one day use only!  The first avi to get one was
Mikey. So, off Mikey went to wander through the locales of Metropolis granting wishes to any avatars: fuzzies here, fuzzies there, until...
the second avatar given a fiddle immediately put a stop to that madness by deleting Mikey!  This person, of course, was
Shads. Shads had enough of the iw shennanigans of her other half, who instead should be doing the dishes. With her fiddle, she set about to...
turn everyone into a fox - all purple & black of course, until she ran into River
with a supercharged fiddle to repel any other fiddling. But she too likes foxes, and decided to unite with Shads in eternal sisterhood to...
Ever watching vilengce that Mikey Never EVER have anything more powerful than a fuzzie in this hand again !



Sun 12/27/2015 17.00 MWT


 --- The Story So Far Is... ---

There once was a...
Snowy and quiet night in Metroworlds.  Not a creature was stirring, not even the Parkers.  The Darksiders were snuggled all snug in their corner.....
Many artists created art work with pride and even a reindeer took avies for a ride! When suddenly out of the blue
the lights went out in Metro! Yes! Everything went BLACK! You could hear avies confused, complaining, screaming, even selling event prizes but nobody could see ANYTHING!
But the avatars rallied and all joined hands, and as they begun singing a miracle was at hand!  The lights they came up and what should they see?  Carly replugging in the power chord she had tripped over, brought to her knees.
Carly squeaked out “I'm sorry“ and blushed, running from sight, and as the avies turned around, there appeared another fright, a poor nameless avie lay on the ground.... 
Thorny thought it was a bit odd that not one avie had a weapon, except for the person holding the candle and lighter. Then she noticed Geb's head looked slightly different...
 It seemed when the power was turned on, a shock went through Geb, causing a piece of Hot Spud to fly off his head, into Shads mouth, and cut off her breathing!  Carly performed the Avalynch, dislodged the spud, Shads recovered and Geb was patched  up!

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