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As of March 1st 2017 - You must donate towards the JP to be eligible to win the most devils JP

this includes the progressive JP also!

So if you didn't donate, and you got the 6 devils needed for the progressive & you had not donated that game, you would not be eligible for either JP



Here is an explaination of the My New Progressive Devil JP!

Each Week, 25% of the total donations give towards the most devils will go into the Progressive Devil JP!

Example: Players donate a total of  1000tokens, 250 tokens of that will go towards the progressive devil JP & 750 will be awarded THAT game to whomever has the most devils. If its a tie, it will be whomever has the lowest score.


The Devils needed for the Progressive JP WIll start at 7 Devils Needed! If after 3 months it has not been won, It will decreased to 6 Devils needed, if after another 3 months its still not won it will decrease to 5 Devils! Etc Until it goes!


The Progressive Devil JP total will be updated & listed on this page & the ammount of devils needed to win it. Also my sponsor Caretaker Devra will be informed each week along with my winners what our Progressive Devil JP total is & how many devils needed to win it.


Shads Progressive Devil JP & Monthly Scores



6+ Devils needed to win 14595 Tokens


(7 devils will be needed to win this JP, if not won by the end of DEC, JAN will start out with 6 Devils needed for the Progressive JP)

OUR PROGRESSIVE JP WAS WON ON 9/23/2016 TOTAL 41,404 + 2,453 = 43857TKS


WTG Glitch The Winner Of February Monthly Ticket

WTG Laesea The Winner Of January Monthly Ticket!

WTG Havana The Winner Of December Monthly Ticket!

WTG Odessa The Winner Of November Monthly Ticket!

WTG Lady Devra The Winner Of October Monthly Ticket!

WTG Jippo The Winner Of September Monthly Ticket!

WTG Glitch The Winner Of August Monthly Ticket!

WTG Carly The Winner Of July Monthly Ticket!

WTG Jippo The Winner Of June Monthly Ticket!

WTG Essence The Winner Of May Monthly Ticket!

WTG Laesea The Winner Of April Monthly Ticket!

(To View Past Scores Please Click The Months Listed Above Where That Months Winners Name Is Shown)

Week One Scores

Devra = 40000
annie = 37500
Ruby = 34700
Lola = 33400
HeartBeat = 31100
Leanna = 20200
Jippo = 19000
cameo = 16662
Peppermint = 15600
annette = 15200
laesea = 14400
Skye = 13662
Pammie = 9775
Miracle = 8050
Carly = 5900
Glitch = 2550

Week Two Scores

Devra = 42000
Gl!tch = 28700
Irish*K*Princess = 25300
Miracle = 24400
Jippo = 24000
laesea = 23100
Waderz = 20600
Chloe = 19250
Lethal Dragon = 17000
Carly = 14700
Skye = 7625


Overall Scores

March 2017

Devra = 119000
Jippo = 80750
laesea = 79150
HeartBeat = 67125
Carly = 63700
Skye = 62462
Miracle = 60669
Gl!tch = 58000
annie = 54700
Chloe = 53000
HB = 42000
Lethal Dragon = 40200
Irish*K*Princess = 34712
Ruby = 34700
Lola = 33400
Pammie = 30300
Tabitha = 27100
Minty = 24000
Glitch = 22550
Waderz = 20600
Leanna = 20200
Stephen = 20100
cameo = 16662
Peppermint = 15600
annette = 15200
Devan = 13800
Essence = 12100
Marita = 11500
shanny = 10700
®edßull = 9950

Week Four Scores

HB = 42000
Skye = 31300
Tabitha = 27100
Miracle = 24900
Carly = 24800
Minty = 24000
Lethal Dragon = 23200
HeartBeat = 22250
Pammie = 20525
Glitch = 20000
Chloe = 16400
laesea = 16350
annie = 14375
Jippo = 13950
Essence = 12100
shanny = 10700
®edßull = 9950
Irish*K*Princess = 9412
Devra = 8200

Week Three Scores

Gl!tch = 29300
Devra = 28800
laesea = 25300
Jippo = 23800
Stephen = 20100
Carly = 18300
Chloe = 17350
annie = 17200
Devan = 13800
HeartBeat = 13775
Marita = 11500
Skye = 9875
Miracle = 3319

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